European Union Grant Programs and Employment Projects
The European Union allocates a special budget for Turkey every year to be used within the scope of various grant programs. The European Union sponsors and contributes to Turkey’s economical life especially the employment problem by means of these programs. Most of these grant programs serve for achievement of the interregional balance in our country and as mentioned above the projects aimed to provide jobs for unemployed people are emphasized within this context. Most of the employment based projects are executed with a focus of “education” naturally. The primary purpose here is to provide an educated workforce for our labor market. The target group of the employment supporting projects is the segment consisting of young, women, and unemployed individuals from the European Commission point of view.
The Target Group of the Project

The target group of the projects shall be consisting of the unemployed young people who are high-school or university graduates in the age interval of 15-29 and currently studying in high schools, vocational high-schools, or universities.
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The final beneficiaries of the project shall be consisting of the families of the target group, people of Ordu (710,000) and Giresun (417,000), the employers in the region, the project applicant, the project implementation partners, other institutions and organizations operating in education and employment fields which are not included in the project, the project staff (5) and the trainers of the project (8).
Read the restThe World Turkish Businessmen Foundation

The most significant asset of a country is its knowledgeable and skillful human resources. Turkey is very lucky in terms of its human resources. It has a young and dynamic population with an entrepreneur sprit
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